Dating Someone with Anxiety

Is it monogamy or is it anxiety?

Relationship Advice Guy
3 min readFeb 4, 2022
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Dating Someone with Anxiety | By: Dating Advice for Men and Women| 3 Minute Read

Dating someone with anxiety is tougher than riding a mustang without a saddle, I know because my girlfriend tells me. And I think it’s fair to say, that her love, support, and humor are the only ways she can constantly get through to me.

Because I don’t want my anxiety to ruin the love I share with my girlfriend. IT, (the anxiety clown) at times, makes me want to break up, or run away, or take space, or ask for support, with her prematurely because I don’t want her to go through the pain and anguish of trying to understand someone with severe anxiety.

Anxiety is sneaky in relationships. It comes in waves, from the top down, and back up again, and forces me to confront my girlfriend with questions that aren’t hers to answer.

Will you be happy with me if I need space?

Will you love me if you don’t understand me?

Can you be happy with two different people (anxious me, and non-anxious me)?

Will traditional marriage and monogamy work for us if I feel trapped by my anxiety?



Relationship Advice Guy

Love, dating, and relationship advice for men and women who skew douche (like I do).