how to date and love better

Relationship Advice Guy
1 min readOct 10, 2022

Woman by woman
man by man
human by human.
Penguins, those monogamous wonders of the world, might say,
“Bird by bird.”

Learning how to date better is no different than learning how to fish better. You learn the soft lines of the sea,
know the sinkholes and spots to meet,
and playfully swim where the coves of minds and souls like yours tend to hide.

“Trying” to date is the first step (like actually leaving your house),
but uncovering your true self
whilst being unsure (about everything) is the harder second step
and the third step of learning how to date is learning
what values display your most authentic being.

Can you both be seen?

Many of these relationships around you start with force,
with the inertia of physical attraction or talent or ambition of starting something powerful together.
But the external can never outlast the meaningful things that live and play inside you.

Love yourself,
You’ll get better
date after date
bird after bird
human after human.



Relationship Advice Guy

Love, dating, and relationship advice for men and women who skew douche (like I do).