Relationship and Dating Advice for Men

Letter #203

Relationship Advice Guy
2 min readAug 25, 2022
Photo by David Todd McCarty on Unsplash

Relationship and Dating Advice for Men

My letters of “relationship and dating advice for men” are mostly just relationship and dating advice I would give my younger self.

  1. Billy, get off your f*cking ass and figure out what your partner loves, and then do that more, you self-centered ‘twat’ (said in a British accent).
  2. If you always take feedback personally, your ego is acting like a bitch. Talk about it (with yourself or your partner), and stop being defensive about constructive or negative criticism. C’est la vie. Tell your ego to grow up and face its shortcomings.
  3. If negative criticism sounds harsh or comes out emotionally from your partner, try to be the higher form of consciousness or awareness (yes, they are emotional because this must mean a lot to them!) and create a better environment for dialogue. You cannot attempt to solve the problem with the same energy that created the problem (aka, shutting down or creating a more emotional defensive response that doesn’t



Relationship Advice Guy

Love, dating, and relationship advice for men and women who skew douche (like I do).